Author Topic: The Trump Virus, 500,000 Dead!  (Read 6042 times)

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Re: The Coming Plague
« Reply #54 on: February 18, 2020, 09:39:00 am »
This is kind of the ethos I'm living these days...   I read that 60% of the bankruptcies in the US are due to insurmountable medical bills that people are suddenly confronted with. many times, they are bushwhacked because no one is ever told of the potential costs of any medical procedures up front. So they go into a situation trying to maybe save their own life and they end up broke and homeless. ... in America, to the Middle Class..and to people with insurance. It happens every day.  I'm healthy and have (hopefully) decent coverage. So I don't worry too much.

  From where I live, if you drive east across an 800 foot long bridge, you end up in Canada. It is essentially the same people living on the same land. I have lived in Michigan my whole life and I can't tell a Canadian from a Michigander unless they tell me.  Probably half the money in my pocket right now is Canadian currency and half the cars on the road have Ontario plates.

As an American, I would say we have done miraculous things with industry and science. Men on the Moon...Voyager, Hubble... on and on. Yet despite that we are the richest, most powerful and most technologically advanced nation in human history, we are the ONLY developed nation that does not provide universal care for its citizens.  People say we can't afford it.

Yet, 800 feet away, the Canadians afford it. They have one one-hundredth of the crime we have, universal health care, a higher standard of living and a longer life expectancy.  ..... Por que?

perhaps if the US was not bogged down in the mentality of spending trillions on pointless foreign wars on behalf of people that hate us and  don't want our soldiers in their shitty little countries, we could afford it.

And along those same lines, as long as there is even one American citizen that is hungry, homeless or without access to health care, we have no business at all allowing foreign nationals to come here uninvited and hop on the public dole.

Probably when I was 18 or 20 and if there had been a draft, I would have been stupid enough to fall for it. Boys are always full of false bravado and lack sense. That's why they are used as soldiers. They are too stupid to know that they're being played.  And if I had a son and there was a draft and there was some stupid ass war going on in Asia or the Middle East, I'd buy him a condo in Ontario. Because there is nothing...and I mean nothing in the realm of faux 'patriotism', bullshit religion or senseless politics that is even close to being worth risking your well-being for.

Look at the wars in Vietnam and Iraq.... It is widely accepted that those were giant mistakes... Oh well. 

Your ethos sucks.  I know you probably haven't thought of this ... cause it again would require more than a knee jerk thought, but who do you suppose throws out that 60 percent number?  People like Bernie Sanders.  Why does he do this .. cause like all liberals, he wants to frighten people into giving liberals more of their money and more power. 

But let's stop and use our brains here for a moment.  What usually also happens when people have serious medical problems that produce serious medical bills.  C'mon use that brain of yours and think.

What did you come up with?  Did it occur to you that when folks have such health problems they very frequently can't work and that has a lot to do with bankruptcies too and that very likely is the cause of said bankruptcies.  Maybe they can't ever go back to work.  National healthcare isn't gonna fix that.  It's also gonna do this:

"Last year, Canadians faced a median wait of nearly 21 weeks to receive specialist treatment after getting referred by a general practitioner. Certain procedures come with longer waits. End-to-end, patients waited a median of 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery in 2019."


Why would anyone with good insurance want crap care like that.  Canada is great if you have the sniffles, but if you have something serious, you'd much rather be an American with insurance.  Heck, in Canada you might not have to declare bankruptcy due to medical issues, cause you might be dead before you even can see a specialist!